Blog Tweak Directory

Sometimes I found blogging could be boring. I end up changing my theme and template especially if I got fed up by always watching it. Good thing blogger has updated it's features. I love how we can do so much about beautifying our blog. Though some things are needed to be done to please our decorating taste, we need to check on other sites for help. Just like me, I'm a beginner and during my first 6 months I can no longer count how many templates have I downloaded and used for this blog. I kept changing templates and I find it so time consuming. My time for posting is spent for decorating my blog. It's just now it was minimized. I realized that I wanted a simpler and bright yet unique and colorful blog.

Before I had a fixed design for my blog, I was checking on other sites for little help. These sites I have listed below help me learn about little basic tricks in customizing some blog setting and features. I am not really good at writing tips, methods or instructions so I'll just list some of the links you can check to help you.

How to remove, disable or hide blogger navi/navigation bar?

How to make your own blog background?

How to remove blogger "showing post with labels... Show all posts"?

How to change or customize "Post a Comment" text in blogger?

How to Customize/Hide/Remove "Newer + Older Posts" Link?

How to remove "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)?"

How to remove "Home" link in blogger bottom page?

How to open a link from your blog in a new tab? (Html help)

How to hide labels from blogger post footer?

How to remove "blogger Header"?

1. hutsby

How to customize or remove blogger bullets?

1. intechgrity

How to remove image shadows in blogger images?

1. sillygrrl

How to remove count in blogger comments? (Read through comments)

1. uncoveringblogs

How to remove the dotted lines in the bottom of blogger blog?

1. creativeinstantia

How to remove "Powered by Blogger" Attribution?

1. tweakmyblogger

 These are the links that helped me achieve the look of my blog. If you like how my blog looks, you can check them for reference. Thanks for visiting.

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