Vic Chou

Vic Chou is a Taiwanese actor, singer and commercial model. He is a member of the famous Taiwanese boy band F4, and has starred in Taiwanese dramas. 

Vic Chou was born on June 9, 1981, making him the youngest of the F4 members. He is considered the baby of F4, being treated the best by other F4 members. His mother has Taiwanese aborigines Atayal bloodline while his father is Taiwanese with ancestry from Linyi, Shandong Province. His grandmother gave him the nickname Zàizài, meaning "little boy", which has become a nickname for him among fans.


* Department of Business Administration,Hsing Wu College
* Department of Industrial Management,China University of Technology Chung Kuo Institute of Technology
* Department of Machinery,National LoTung Industrial Vocational High School
* Luodong Junior High School
* Gong Zeng Elementary School.

Entering the Industry

He was discovered when he accompanied a friend auditioning for a role in Meteor Garden. While waiting for a friend at their auditions, he was huddled in a corner near one of the Meteor Garden staff's office, who said he looked like Huā Zé Lèi and was asked to audition. Meteor Garden was adopted from a Japanese, "Boys Over Flowers" (Japanese romanization: Hana Yori Dango).

He was asked to play the role of Huā Zé Lèi, a very silent and sensitive guy who befriends the female protagonist Shān Cài, played by Barbie Hsu.

♥ ♥ ♥

Take time to smile
when you're sad..

to rest when
you're tired..

to love
if you're feeling empty...

and to let go if
you need to..

time endures,
time heals..

in this life,
just take some time
for your self... then
you'll see,
everything will fall
into the right place...
the way you wanted life
to be...

♥ ♥ ♥

No Ordinary Love Download

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